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FELMI Seminar Talk: Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m. General

FELMI Seminar Talk: Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m.

Investigating Intraocular Lens Particle Emission using OF2i, Raman, and µ-FTIR Leon Ranz, BSc. Master Student am FELMI Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m. Institute of Electron Microscopy, Seminar Room (3rd floor) Steyrergasse 17, 8010 GrazThe Master Student Leon Ranz presents new results in the field of OPHTHALMOLOGY applying ADVANCED SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS. Abstract Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are implanted during cataract surgery, the most common surgical procedure, with over 30 million operations performed annually worldwide. Investigating their particle emission could be crucial in…
Margit Wallner
11. March 2025
Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl Paper

Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl

Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl Daniel Knez, Christian Gspan, Nikola Šimić, Stefan Mitsche, Harald Fitzek, Karl Gatterer, Helmar Wiltsche, Gerald Kothleitner, Werner Grogger & Ferdinand Hofer Communications Materials volume 5, Article number: 19 (2024) Cite this article (more…)
Margit Wallner
3. April 2024
Spectral Tuning of Plasmonic Activity in 3D Nanostructures via High-Precision Nano-Printing Paper

Spectral Tuning of Plasmonic Activity in 3D Nanostructures via High-Precision Nano-Printing

Spectral Tuning of Plasmonic Activity in 3D Nanostructures via High-Precision Nano-Printing Content In this study we have successfully demonstrated that planar and 3-dimensional plasmonically active gold nanostructures can be reliably produced via FEBID and fine-tuned to generate resonances at desired wavelengths and spatial positions. (more…)
Kaltrina Sahiti
27. February 2024
Easter Calendar General

Easter Calendar

Easter Calendar 2024 Der Frühling kommt, die Blumen beginnen zu blühen! Ermutigt durch die zahlreichen positiven Rückmeldungen zu unserem Adventkalender 2023 und auf allgemeinen Wunsch hin zeigen wir in der Kar-Woche die Pollen einiger schöner Pflanzen, die wir untersucht haben. (more…)
Kaltrina Sahiti
25. March 2023
ASTEM – The Story Behind General

ASTEM – The Story Behind

Being able to see and analyse materials at atomic resolution, has been a strong motivation for improving the electron microscope. However, the resolution of the conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) was limited to around 0.2 nanometre, which is slightly larger than the diameter of atoms.
26. January 2023
The ESTEEM3 Project General

The ESTEEM3 Project

The ESTEEM3 initiative brings together the leading European laboratories equipped with the most advanced TEM installations and thereby aims to be the key European multi-site research and user infrastructure platform for advanced electron microscopy characterisations.
24. January 2023
TU Graz SciPix General

TU Graz SciPix

TU Graz SciPix is a photo and video competition held at TU Graz, which focuses the spotlight on the diverse research being carried out at the Styrian research institution.
22. November 2022
ACR Innovationspreis 2021 General

ACR Innovationspreis 2021

The project partner of this cooperation Borkenstein & Borkenstein is a medical practice, which is highly specialized on cataract surgeries. In this operation, the intraocular lens (IOL) replaces the natural eye lens while the lens sheath remains.
22. November 2022