Being an interdisciplinary research institute we are constantly creating new knowledge and methods. We believe that it is our responsibility not only to support knowledge creation but also to share generated know-how and expertise with others. That is the reason why we put know-how transfer at the top of our list of priorities.
Education and Training
Our comprehensive services include:

Training: we provide training on in-house instruments for SMEs who wish to purchase certain microscopes or use these instruments on a regularly basis and see the need to upskill their staff to become self-sufficient with their analysis.

Microscopy Courses: participants gain deep insight into essential principles and methods during intense hands-on workshops (SEM Course, European EELS & EFTEM School,Ultramicroscopy-Trainingsschool).
External Presentations: our staff (scientific and general) gives external presentations on conferences and workshops.

Teaching: every academic year, our scientific staff gives lectures at the University of Technology covering different fields of research. We supervise bachelor, master as well as PhD projects. Our students gain profound theoretical background and vital hands-on laboratory experience during practical trainings. Please find more information concerning our course catalogue at the Graz University of Technology on our FELMI-website.