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Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis

Austrian Centre for


Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis

Austrian Centre for


Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis

Austrian Centre for


Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis

Austrian Centre for


Who we are




Our Services

Industry Services
With a continuing tradition of excellence, we are trying to bridge the gap between academic research and pratical problem solving as well as industrial needs.

European EELS & EFTEM School
The joint FELMI/European EELS & EFTEM School is an intense 4-day hands-on laboratory workshop that will take you step-by-step through the acquisition and analysis of Energy Filtered TEM (EFTEM) and STEM-EELS data. The workshop will utilize the state of the art facilities at FELMI-ZFE including a monochromated probe-corrected Titan (S)TEM with a DualEELS GIF Quantum EELS system.


Research Projects (selected examples)

News and Highlights

FELMI Seminar Talk: Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m. General

FELMI Seminar Talk: Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m.

Investigating Intraocular Lens Particle Emission using OF2i, Raman, and µ-FTIR Leon Ranz, BSc. Master Student am FELMI Friday, March 14th, 09:15 a.m. Institute of Electron Microscopy, Seminar Room (3rd floor) Steyrergasse 17, 8010 GrazThe Master Student Leon Ranz presents new results in the field of OPHTHALMOLOGY applying ADVANCED SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS. Abstract Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are implanted during cataract surgery, the most common surgical procedure, with over 30 million operations performed annually worldwide. Investigating their particle emission could be crucial in…
Margit Wallner
11. March 2025
Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl Paper

Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl

Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl Daniel Knez, Christian Gspan, Nikola Šimić, Stefan Mitsche, Harald Fitzek, Karl Gatterer, Helmar Wiltsche, Gerald Kothleitner, Werner Grogger & Ferdinand Hofer Communications Materials volume 5, Article number: 19 (2024) Cite this article (more…)
Margit Wallner
3. April 2024