Our research is carried out under a broad scope of challenging themes from fundamental to applied sciences and contractual projects with Austrian and European companies. Major areas of research are the surface analytics. micro- and nanoanalysis of materials, electronic devices and biomaterials.
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Prof. Dr. Werner Grogger holds a PhD in Physics and defended his habilitation in 2004. He is head of the research group for high resolution electron microscopy. In the course of his scientific career he carried out research at the National Center for Electron Microscopy, Berkeley. His team is mainly dedicated to electronic devices, semiconductors and cryo electron microscopy.
Methods: TEM, STEM, EELS & EDXS, Cryo-TEM
Contact me | +43 316 873-8323 || Find The list of his team

Prof. Dr. Gerald Kothleitner earned his PhD in Chemistry, worked abroad as international product manager for analytical instruments in electron microscopy and received his habilitation in Physical Chemistry. His focus is on analytical techniques and methodical developments for materials characterisation. His work group focuses on soft matter and polymers, steels and alloys and high resolution 3D reconstructions.
Methods: TEM, STEM, EELS & EDXS, STEM Tomography
Contact me | +43 316 873-8336 || Find the list of his team

Dr. Ilse Letofsky-Papst
Ilse Letofsky-Papst has been working at the institute in the field of transmission electron microscopy since 1997. She studied technical physics at the Graz University of Technology and received her PhD in materials science at the Montanuniversität Leoben. The name of her working group is “Soft Matter to Metals”, which covers a broad range of materials as well as an equally broad field of investigation methods. The focus is on analytical electron microscopy, electron diffraction, high resolution and cryo-electron microscopy.
Methods: TEM, STEM, EELS & EDXS, Cryo-TEM
Contact me | +43 316 873-8330 || Find the list of her team

Assoc. Prof. DI Dr. Harald Plank earned his PhD in Technical Sciences. Since 2010 he has been coordinating the work group Functional Nanofabrication (FIB|AFM). In 2018 the Christian Doppler Laboratory DEFINE was officially opened. In the course of his research activities he spent several months in the USA, South Corea, France, Turkey, and Switzerland. His team is focusing on surface manipulation (additive & subtractive), 3D nanoprinting and surface analysis in liquids.
Contact me | +43 316 873-8821 || Find the list of his team

Ing. Hartmuth Schröttner works at the Institute since 1991. Being group leader in the field of scanning electron microscopy (since 2005) his focus is on the development of preparation techniques and methods in microanalysis. His expertise is directly incorporated into industrial collaborations and applications. He is responsible for surface analytics and structure analysis, be it routine quality control or more specialised challenging requests. Other application examples are 3D reconstructions, IR & Raman microscopy, environmental SEM.
Methods: SEM, ESEM, IR, Raman, Infinite Focus, XRD
Contact me | +43 316 873-8349 || Find the list of his team