Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis of the TU Graz (FELMI)
Graz Centre for Electron Microscopy (ZFE Graz)
Address: Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43(0)316 873-8320 or 8321
E-mail: Contact
Your Contact Details
Our Ambition: Cooperation with Industry and Research Institutions
Our team is very flexible and we do our best to meet and satisfy your individual requests. We provide support, service and expert advice for:

Applicants working or studying at the TU Graz and NAWI Faculty
Our facilities are available to any member of the TU Graz and of the joint NAWI Faculty (TU Graz and University of Graz). Please submit an application form. The application will be reviewed by an internal committee; final recommendations will be given within two weeks after submission.
Contact us
European Countries: Free access to our facilities (scientific applications, research visits up to 5 days and collaborative research) may be provided within the FP7 project ESTEEM3 (
Contact me (+43 (0) 316 873 8330)

Grant-aided Partnerships
We also promote and work in collaborative long term research projects which are granted by Austrian and European funding organisations, e.g. FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (Christian Doppler Research Association) and Horizon 2020.
Contact us