The overarching goal of the MYRIAD project is the procurement and commissioning of Austria’s first multi-ion-beam-microscope. Thanks to its unique configuration, the available know-how and innovative scientists in the relevant areas, it will be possible to catch up to cutting-edge technology to enable innovative research at the highest level. Socially relevant topics such as micro/nano-electronics, energy & sustainability, material sciences, quantum technologies, biotechnology and life sciences are key components of the Austrian research strategy. Long-term thematic structural initiatives, such as the Styrian RTI-Strategy, aim to establish Austria as an international hotspot for science and innovation. The project MYRIAD is supposed to explicitly support these strategies and generate international leadership through a unique infrastructure with a digital access concept for cooperative use.
MYRIAD integrates entirely new structuring capabilities, various electron- and ion-beam imaging methods, as well as a wide range of analytical techniques. At the heart of MYRIAD is a unique technology, that enables the flexible use of different ion beams (Xe, Ar, N, O). This opens up new approaches to the fabrication of complex, three-dimensional micro/nanostructures with previously unattainable material properties. In addition, the use of variable ion beams has enormous potential in the field of correlated microscopy, as the processed sample areas are no longer damaged as has previously been the case. The integration of state-of-the-art components raises the possibilities for structuring and characterization to a new level.
The option of performing all processes at cryogenic temperatures also opens up access to soft-matter-, high-performance-, biotechnology- and life-science-materials to answer innovative research questions. The planned technical configuration allows a flexible, correlative characterization beyond the possibilities of typical configure systems. As a result, MYRIAD not only drives forward regional and national research and development strategies, but also open up new scientific areas in the context of the research initiatives Silicon Alps, Silicon Austria and BioTechMed. With this, Styria and the southern Austrian research region as a whole will be strengthened, scientific cooperation will be intensified and the transfer of results and cooperation with partners will be accelerated.